Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Today is my tomorrow.

I know we have all heard the whole "tomorrow is the day" phrase a hundred times. And I know each & every one of us has probably said it thousands. I for one, am guilty of this. It's like- I feel so good one day, or at night & I am so ready to put my dreams into action.. Then something always stops me. What is it? Easy. It's my mind. I cannot blame it on anything else. I am battling myself... My mom is right she told me "it all depends on how bad you want it" & boy is that spot on.
So then... I just wonder. How bad do I want it? Is it just something that is always going to be 'just out of reach'? Or could it be a reality... But I am just not believing in myself enough? Well, there is only one way to find out- DO IT.

I am done saying tomorrow is the day...
I start writing in my blog everyday. I start fueling my body with the right nutrients it needs. I start killing my workouts 2x a day again. I start being a better friend, sister, daughter, girlfriend. I start practicing self love. I will read that book I've always wanted to. I will start giving my ALL to my jobs. I will stop texting & driving. I will keep my room clean. I will wake up when the alarm goes off. I will get straight A's.
Today is that tomorrow. Today is the day I become everything I have ever wanted to be.
I have such a huge drive & a desire to help people in life... But first- I need to remember to help myself. I keep forgetting that.

"The only person you should try to be better than, is the person you were yesterday."
I am done with 'regretting' a meal. 'Regretting' not going to the gym. 'Regretting' not going into work earlier so I could sleep. 'Regretting' not writing in my blog one day.
I have the entire world in the palm of my hands... Nothing can stop me from getting where I want to go.

It's true what they say- your life only gets better when you do. You change your mind, you change your entire world. & Honestly... Is it really worth being at war with yourself for another day? No, it's not. The stress is too much. Being stressed out not only affects you, but it also affects others. You may not notice it, but you can easily take out your anger & self hate out on others... & No one deserves that. Especially you.

I am a big believer in the "fake it till you make it" way. If you pretend you are happy.. At some point.. You will start to realize that you actually are happy. It is a life changing experience & everyone deserves to feel it.

I challenge you to better yourself today.
Smile at the mailman
Pay for the person behind you in the drive-thru
Don't eat at the drive-thru
Go to work early
Go to the gym
Eat an apple
Visit your grandma & grandpa
Tell your siblings you love them
Pay for someone's tank of gas
Give $20 to a homeless person
Cook dinner
Pet your dog longer than usual
Make time for yourself
Do arts & crafts

Anything. Do something TODAY that you will thank your future self for. Because honestly... A year from now, you will have wish you would have started TODAY.

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