Tuesday, March 25, 2014


I was thinking about things that make me happy or make me excited to live another day, and the list seemed super long.  It made me realize that I am a truly blessed person, so I want to share my list because I can find happiness in the smallest of things and I think it is pretty amazing. These aren't in an specific order, except for the first one.

  • My family. I have the best possible time with my parents and my sister. The bond that we have is beautiful. I can tell my parents anything, and no one on this planet gives me better advice than they do.My dogs. Cuddling, running them in the backyard, taking them on walks, talking to them, playing with them... Everything about them. They make me feel so comfortable, nothing makes me feel more at home than being with my dogs.
  • Quotes. It may seem silly, but Pinterest is a safe haven for me. I have pinned over 680 quotes, and I try as hard as I can to live by all of them. Just by looking them up, they always give me a new perspective on life. Whenever I am feeling down, I always go on Pinterest and scroll through some, and I soon feel better.
  • Music. Whether it is country music or One Direction... It always puts me in a feel good mood.  After I post this post, I am going to post a link on the side showing my favorite playlists and songs in them. One of the ways you can always tell if I am out of it or upset, is if I am not singing along to a song that I know or like. I am always singing... even if it does hurt to hear ;)
  • My boyfriend. Obviously if you have a boyfriend, they should by on your list of the things that make you happy. But my boyfriend is different. Out of all the stories that I have heard from other girls about their boyfriends, none of the stories amount to anything that this guy has done for me/still does for me. To me- it is always the little things... opening the door for me no matter what (car door, restaurant, my house), gets me little presents 'just because', leaves surprise notes for me everywhere (my school books, my car, my room), cleans my car for me inside and out, cleans my parents cars, plows the snow off my driveway for my family, tells me everyday how inspirational and beautiful I am, takes pictures of me doing the most random things, takes me on dates ALL the time, loves being around my family.... I could go on FOREVER. He also remembers every little detail about me.  It truly amazes me how I lucked out with such an amazing guy.
  • My routines. I am the type of person that likes routine. Whether it is my morning routine, or my nightly routine, I do not like to mess with it. I like plans and I like having SET plans. I like waking up in the morning with my pug by my side, and I like going to sleep at night with my lab by my side. I like going to sleep at a certain time and waking up before a certain time.
  • Warm, sunny weather. This is a given. Because of my depression, the winter time is very hard for me. It is hard to have energy with the cold and dark weather- especially the snow. It makes me not want to do anything. But I always stick it out, because I know that beautiful things are coming my way!
  • My job. Even throughout all the drama, I couldn't ask for anything better. It makes me feel good that I can do my absolute best, and at the end of the day that is all that I care about. I can try as hard as I can to push others- but at the end of the day, what they do, is what they do.  All I can do is pick up their slack, and I definitely do because when I am there I give it my all. My boss does not deserve anything less.
  • My boss. I can literally tell that man ANYTHING. He has been there for me through everything, and it makes me feel so good that he trusts me so much. The reason that I am one of the 'favorites' is because like I explained earlier, I give it my ALL while I am there. No excuses, I ALWAYS do what I can and more, and he definitely notices it because he thanks me for it very often. I don't know what I would do without that man in my life, he has always been there for me through even my toughest times and I could never thank him more.
  • My friends. For once in my life I have finally chosen friends that I can be proud of. They are not trashy, ungrateful people. I am so blessed that I finally have the knowledge to pick friends that make me succeed.  And honestly I am to the point in my life where... If I am not 100% happy in a relationship, I will start distancing myself and dropping people because I have FINALLY learned that if you are not happy in a relationship- you have the choice to drop it. Your happiness is truly in your hands, and if you are continuing a relationship that does not make you feel 100%.... why are you in it? This is a valuable lesson that I have learned! I am so proud of how far I have come with judgement. But right now in my life- my friends are amazing, and I could not ask for better ones.
  • Giving advice. I love love love giving advice to people. I love watching people get a new look on a situation, because it usually means that they finally see a different way to handle it and they can come to a conclusion quicker. So many people come to me for help and it makes me so happy. I would do ANYTHING to make someone happy. Whether it is after a break up, needing motivation, needing a push, or simply just needing someone there, I will always be there for them. No matter what. I will drop anything to help someone because that is the kind of person I am, and I don't care what anyone thinks about that... I was put on this earth to help people, therefore I will do just that.
  • Cleaning. I love cleaning. Being uncluttered is a proven fact to help with happiness! It makes me feel so good when everything is cleaned. I have fun cleaning though, because at the end, when everything is finished I feel so good about everything and i can take a chill pill and rest in peace!
  • Giving compliments to people. It makes me feel so good with I have made someone else's day. Whether it is a friend, family, customer, or a random person on the street, a small smile or a small word can change someone's entire day. It makes me feel so good inside to know that I have impacted someone's day.
  • Getting dressed up. I love wearing cute outfits, doing my hair, and putting on make up and going out somewhere nice with my friends, or a date with my boyfriend. I also love getting dolled up and going out to take pictures with my cousin. It is little things that make you realize how beautiful you truly are.
  • EXERCISE. EXERCISE. EXERCISE. First off- I don't work out to look good. I work out to FEEL good. The way that I feel after an amazing workout is priceless, nothing can amount to it. I love pushing myself past barriers that I thought I had. Although looking good is an amazing bonus ;)
  • Eating healthy. By eating healthy it has changed my entire life. It makes my sleep schedule normal, it gives me incredible amount of energy, and it helps me stay awake during my lectures. I gave up sweets/desserts this year for lent, and it has been the best decision that I have ever made. I am also giving up dairy because I think that I am developing an allergy to dairy. So, I might as well stop it in its tracks!
  • Getting good grades. This one is a given- who doesn't like getting good grades? But it is better when you know you EARNED said grade. I just recently got an A and a B on my two biology tests and I was ecstatic... I still am! That is HUGE for me!
  • Making payments. Okay as weird as this may seem- yes, I enjoy making my payments on my car as well as on my phone bill, gym membership, and insurance. It makes me feel good about myself because I am starting to become more independent. Not many teens my age can cough up $500 per month and STILL live comfortably. It is a sense of independence.
  • Watching my favorite TV shows. Degrassi, Bates Motel, LMN, Jerry Springer, Spongebob.... I love watching my favorite TV shows. I call them my feel good shows, because they always make me happy when I turn them on.
  • Disney movies. 'Nuff said.
  • Playing with my niece Kimmy. This little girl is PRECIOUS. She is absolutely beautiful inside and out and seeing her every week always puts a smile on my face.
  • Taking pictures. I love taking pictures of EVERYTHING because I love memories, and one day in the future I am going to look back and be so happy that I captured all these moments.
  • Going on long drives. With the top down, doors off, and country music blasting? Seriously is there even a better day?
  • Diet coke. Oh lordyyyyy.
  • Random acts of kindness. About a week ago I was at Chickfila, and there was a lady behind me in the drive-thru, and I bought her lunch for me. I didn't know her from atom, but if it made her smile, I am happy with myself.
Well with saying all that, right now I am very happy with my life right now. I have finally gotten to a point where I am happy with my life, and I feel in complete control. I am not letting people control my emotions, thoughts, or actions. Every decision made in my life is my OWN choice, no one else's. No more being influenced by others... Why you ask? Because being independent and being my own person makes me feel good about myself. It shows me how hard I have worked in my life to get where I am, and I am not taking ANY steps backwards!

Coming to a realization of TRUE happiness is an amazing feeling, and I am so young to come to such a realization... But ya know, I worked my ASS off to get where I am. I practice happiness, positivity, and kindness every single day of my life, and it has gotten me where I am today.

Quotes of the day:

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